Provide leadership throughout the entire entitlement process, including managing the project team, negotiations with governmental officials, working with City Staff members, and providing representation at community meetings and public hearings.

Preparation & Processing of Land

Use Entitlement Applications

Evaluation of a proposed project and preliminary architectural plans in relation to the zoning constraints or other restrictions, coordination of meetings with key government officials, and preparation of project timelines, fee estimates, entitlement strategy and task lists.

Preparation of the specific entitlement request language, the project description, justifications and exhibits for the requested entitlements.  Services also include coordination of radius maps and ownership lists, posting of notices, site photos, and presentations. Entitlement requests include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Conditional Use Permit
  • Zoning Administrator Adjustment
  • Site Plan Review
  • Specific Plan Exception
  • Zone Boundary Adjustment 
  • Zone Variance
  • Specific Adjustment
  • ​Plan Approval


Site Research & Land Use Due Diligence

Research and analysis of current zoning and land use restrictions, land use designations, previous zoning approvals, including “Q” Conditions and “D” Limitations, building permits, covenants, and affidavits.  


- Permit Expediting Services

- Project Appeal Support and/or Processing

- Review or Process Entitlement Time Extensions

- Government and Community Relations

- Monitor Proposed Ordinances, Community Plan Updates and Specific Plan Amendments

- On-site Signage applications

- Incorporate SATT Communication and Outreach Posting


  • General Plan Adjustment
  • Zone Change
  • Density Bonus (on and off menu)
  • Transfer of Floor Area Rights (TFAR)
  • Modification
  • Building and Safety Permit Processing
  • Vesting Tentative Tract Map